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Natural Remedies for Dandruff



Dandruff is a very day to day problem these days. Every 3 out of 5 people suffer from these white flake attacks. So, it is a good idea to eradicate them when they start seeing this problem.

There are some strongest dandruff shampoos available which can be of great help but one can also take help from some home remedies as they work wonders when it comes to dandruff problems.

Coconut and Honey Scalp Scrub

One needs 2 tea spoons of coconut oil, 2 tea spoons of olive oil, 2 tea spoons of honey and 3 tea spoons of yogurt for this pack. They have to mix all the ingredients in a bowl and make a paste out of it. Apply it on the scalp and then gently massage it. Rub it from the roots to the tips of the hair properly. Then keep this on your hair for 30 to 45 minutes before rinsing it well with a shampoo. Coconut oil is good for retaining the natural hair protein and honey is good for treating dandruff.

Lemon Juice and Yogurt

Take a bowl of curd and half cut lemon. Squeeze the lemon into the curd and mix it well. Apply the mixture on your hair and massage it well. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes and wash it with usual shampoo. The lemon juice is rich in citric acid and that plays a major role in eliminating the dandruff from the roots of the hair. They are also anti microbial in nature.

Baking soda

This is a great home remedy for not only dandruff removal but for other good things as well. The baking soda mildly exfoliates the excess dead skin from the scalp and kills the fungus created by the dandruff accumulation. For this, one needs a table spoon of baking soda, a cup of water and a few drops of rosemary oil. One has to mix a table spoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water. Then shake the mixture well before applying it. One can also mix this with their regular shampoo and then use it together.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is said to be a good remedy for dandruff problems. One needs to rub a few drops of it on the scalp, leave it for a few minutes and then wash well with a mild shampoo. One may also be a bit allergic to tea tree oil so they should check that.


If one wants to avoid medicated shampoos and want to stick to home regimes only the4n aspirin can come to your rescue. This thing contains a certain amount of salicylate which acts very effectively in the eradication process of dandruff. So it is a good substitute of medicated shampoos. Take two tablets of aspirin and crush them into fine powder. Blend this powder with your regular shampoo and apply it on your hair. Keep it for two minutes and then wash it thoroughly.

One can use Ketomac shampoo on a regular basis to get rid of dandruffs.

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Why should you use a health atm machine?



health kiosk

Health ATMs come ready with specific abilities and functionalities. Health atm are non-public walk-in kiosks staffed by way of medical attendants. The covered machines in the kiosks can be used for measuring simple vitals and laboratory tests; even areas of expertise checking out, such as cardiology, pulmonary, gynecology, and neurology, are facilitated in these kiosks alongside emergency centres. In urban regions, those are additionally characteristic of stroll-in kiosks.

These ATMs help in brief and trouble-free health screening. There is likewise the capability to attach patients to professionals and authorized doctors through video conferencing. 

About Health ATM

Health atm in India comes equipped with one-of-a-kind functions and functionalities. They are stand-in kiosks staffed by medical attendants. The integrated devices in these kiosks can be used for checking basic vitals and laboratory testing; even speciality testing, which includes cardiology, pulmonary, gynecology and neurology, is facilitated in those kiosks at the side of emergency centres. In city regions, these also function as well-being walk-in kiosks.

How does the health ATM work 

The walk-in health ATM India tool consists of incorporated medical devices that can help you do neurology, cardiology, pulmonary testing, pathology investigations, and so forth. It enables the distribution of the medication remotely to patients. 

It checks the weight, height, temperature, oxygen level, BMI, pulse, rate, and so on., of patients and advises them if they need urgent medical treatment. 

Why is the health atm used widely?

Health ATMs are the first-rate example of using the modern era in the proper way. It is the best machine for public welfare. It promotes the pinnacle-notch use of generation and makes medical centres available effortlessly to people.

During the usage, whilst putting in the health atm, the health body of workers becomes more professional and educated and gives an awesome range of benefits to people.

  • Health ATM gives medical consultations.

According to health atm manufacturers, it plays the number one health, testing more than 30 parameters. It may even give on-the-spot medical reviews to patients through WhatsApp, electronic mail, SMS, or even in published shape.

Doctors permit testing communication on telehealth at the same time and keep time for patients. The treatment facility and test-in-way facility are also available below the identical roof due to the health ATM. You no longer want to fear if you can’t attain a medical doctor for medicinal capsules. The Health ATM Supplier enables you and gives you medical consultations by telehealth.

  • Video consultation among medical doctors and patients

As per health ATM manufacturers in India, video consultations are made without problems among medical doctors and their customers. Health ATM places stress of effort into making pinnacle interactions among physicians and their patients from remote places.

Health atm is responsible for jogging clinic operations efficiently. The approach of teleconsultation services by health ATM and physician availability are all possible in one location.


Health ATM is kiosk hardware that manages patient-related data. It is available in different configurations and dimensions, so it is established in keeping with the clinic’s middle area.

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SGOT Full Form – What is the SGOT Full Form?




SGOT Full Form – What is the SGOT Full Form?

SGOT full form : सेरम ग्लुटामेट ओक्सालोएस्ट्रांस्फेरेज”। यह एक प्रकार का एंजाइम है जो मुख्य रूप से लीवर और हृदय में पाया जाता है। यह टेस्ट शरीर के इस एंजाइम के स्तर को मापकर, व्यक्ति के लीवर और हृदय की स्वस्थता की जाँच करने के लिए किया जाता है।

डॉक्टर एक व्यक्ति को SGOT टेस्ट करवाने के लिए कह सकते हैं ताकि उन्हें इस एंजाइम के स्तर में किसी बदलाव की जानकारी हो सके, जो विभिन्न लीवर और हृदय रोगों के संकेतों को पहचानने में मदद कर सकता है।

इस लेख के माध्यम से हमने SGOT का पूरा नाम और इस टेस्ट के महत्वपूर्णता के बारे में जानकारी प्रदान की है, ताकि लोग इसे समझ सकें और अपने स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल में सहारा ले सकें।

SGOT Full Form

SGOT का पुरा नाम – SGOT full form

SGOT की full form Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase होती है।

S –  Serum

G – Glutamic

O – Oxaloacetic

T –  Transaminase

SGOT की Pronunciation

Serum – सिरम

Glutamic – ग्लूटामिक

Oxaloacetic – ऑक्सालोएसेटिक

Transaminase – ट्रांसएमिनेस

SGOT क्या होता है ?

SGOT का मतलब सिरम ग्लूटामिक ऑक्सालोएसेटिक ट्रांसएमिनेस होता है। यह एक प्रकार का एंजाइम होता है जो सामान्य रूप से ह्रदय कोशिकाओं और यकृत में मौजूद होता है। जब ह्रदय या liver क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाता है तो ब्लड में SGOT   का flow हो जाता है।

Blood मे serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase का level दिल के दौरे या वायरल hepatitis की वजह से बढ़ जाता है या फिर SGOT का स्तर कुछ दवाओं के कारण भी बढ़ सकता है।

SGOT test क्या है ?

SGOT test एक blood test होता है जो liver profile का हिस्सा होता है। यह लीवर में मौजूद दो एंजाइमों में से एक एंजाइम को मापता है और वह एंजाइम SGOT अर्थात Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase होता है।

इस एंजाइम को AST भी कहा जाता है। AST का अर्थ   होता है अस्पार्टेट एमिनोट्रांसफरेज़। SGOT यह मूल्यांकन करता है कि ब्लड में कितना यकृत एंजाइम है।

SGOT test क्यों किया जाता है ?

डॉक्टर SGOT test के द्वारा मुख्य रूप से लीवर की समस्याओं की जांच और आंकलन करते हैं। SGOT Full Form एंजाइम का निर्माण मुख्य रूप से लिवर में होता है। जब भी किसी कारण से लीवर खराब हो जाता है या बीमार हो जाता है तो एसजीओटी लीवर से रक्त प्रवाह में leak हो सकता है। यदि ऐसा होता है तो रक्त में level सामान्य से ज्यादा हो जाएगा।

अगर किसी व्यक्ति को गुर्दे या दिल की बीमारी है तो उस व्यक्ति में SGOT का लेवल विशेष रूप से अधिक हो सकता है। इस chance को कम करने के लिए डॉक्टर उसी समय लिवर एंजाइम की जांच करवाने के लिए कह सकते हैं।

यदि दोनों एंजाइम का लेवल अधिक है तो यह जिगर की समस्या का संकेत हो सकता है। SGOT का स्तर अधिक होने का मतलब इस बात का संकेत भी हो सकता है कि शरीर के किसी अन्य प्रणाली या अंग में समस्या हो।

स्वस्थ SGOT test की range कितनी होती है ?

डॉक्टर निम्न range को सामान्य स्वस्थ SGOT रेंज के रूप में स्वीकार करते हैं :-

पुरुष : – 10 से 40 unit प्रति लीटर

महिलाएं :-  9 से 32 यूनिट प्रति लीटर

SGOT test की आवश्यकता क्यों है ?

ब्लड में इस एंजाइम के level की जांच करने के लिए यह test किया जाता है। इस जांच के द्वारा डॉक्टर को ह्रदय, यकृत, गुर्दे, मांसपेशी आदि की क्षति का निदान करने में मदद मिलती है। आमतौर पर तब यह टेस्ट किया जाता है, जब किसी व्यक्ति में जिगर की क्षति के symptoms होते हैं और यह symptoms निम्न है :-

  • सुजा हुआ पेट
  • पीली त्वचा और आंखें
  • गहरे रंग का मूत्र
  • भूख में कमी
  • पैरों और टखनों में सूजन
  • हल्के रंग का पूप

इसके अलावा डॉक्टर के द्वारा SGOT test तब भी सुझाया जाता है, जब :-

  • व्यक्ति को हेपेटाइटिस वायरस का संक्रमण हो।
  • यदि कोई ऐसी दवा ले रहे हो जो लीवर पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव डाल रही हो।
  • बहुत अधिक शराब का सेवन करते हो।
  • जिगर की बीमारियों का कोई पारिवारिक इतिहास हो।
  • मोटापा या मधुमेह हो।
  • बरामदगी, अग्नाशयशोथ या फिर मांसपेशियों में चोट आदि लगी हो तो ऐसे में डॉक्टर व्यक्ति को एसजीओटी टेस्ट करवाने के लिए कहते हैं।

SGOT test की तैयारी कैसे करे ?

SGOT Full Form टेस्ट एक सामान्य ब्लड टेस्ट है जो तकनीकी रूप से बिना किसी विशेष तैयारी के किया जा सकता है। हालांकि, कुछ कदम हैं जो आप इस टेस्ट को सरल बनाने के लिए उठा सकते हैं, जैसे कि टेस्ट से दो दिन पहले टाइलेनॉल और अन्य कोउंटर दवाओं से बचें।

यदि किसी कारण से ओवर-द-काउंटर दवा की आवश्यकता होती है, तो आपको टेस्ट से पहले डॉक्टर को सूचित करना चाहिए। टेस्ट से पहले, आपको डॉक्टर को उन सभी दवाओं के बारे में सूचित करना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है जो आप ले रहे हैं।

टेस्ट से एक रात पहले, अच्छी तरह से पानी पीना सुनिश्चित करें ताकि आप हाइड्रेट रहें। यह सुनिश्चित करने में मदद करेगा कि आपके रक्त को खींचना आसान हो।

ध्यान रखें कि आपके पहने हुए कपड़े बहुत टाइट नहीं हों, क्योंकि रक्त का सैंपल आपके बाजू से लिया जाता है। इसलिए, आधी कोहनी तक के कपड़े पहनना अधिक सुरक्षित हो सकता है, जिससे टेक्नीशियन को रक्त प्राप्त करना आसान हो।

निष्कर्ष :-

मित्रों, इस लेख में हमने SGOT Full Form का पूरा नाम विस्तार से जानने का प्रयास किया है। हम आशा करते हैं कि यह लेख आपके लिए सहायक साबित होगा। यदि इस लेख से संबंधित कोई भी प्रश्न हो, तो कृपया हमें टिप्पणी के माध्यम से बताएं।

यदि आप किसी अन्य विषय पर जानकारी चाहते हैं, तो आप वह भी हमसे कमेंट करके साझा कर सकते हैं। अगर आपको जानकारी पसंद आई हो, तो कृपया इस लेख को अधिक से अधिक साझा करें।

FAQ’S :-

Q1. SGOT test मे sample type क्या रहता है ?

Ans. इसमें blood sample लिया जाता है।

Q2. SGOT test से पहले खाली पेट रहना आवश्यक है ?

Ans. नही

Q3. SGOT test report क्या दर्शाती है ?

Ans. यह liver कोशिकाओं को नुकसान की मात्रा का संकेत देती है।

Q4. क्या SGOT 70 समान्य है ?

Ans. नही, समान्य SGOT 7 - 56 unit प्रति लीटर होता है।

Q5. SGOT के लिए blood sample कैसे लिया जाता है ?

Ans. हाथ की नस से

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ICU Full Form: Intensive Care Unit




ICU Full Form: Intensive Care Unit

ICU Full Form The acronym ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit. It refers to a specialized section within a hospital equipped with spacious and intensive-care beds, staffed by a highly trained medical team that monitors patients continuously. The intensive care unit is meticulously designed to deliver the highest level of advanced patient care and is typically reserved for individuals whose medical conditions are critically life-threatening, serving as the ultimate medical intervention within a hospital setting.

ICU Full Form || What is an ICU?

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) within a hospital typically comprises several rooms featuring beds, an array of medical equipment, and a centralized nurse’s station. This specialized area serves as a critical space where medical professionals, particularly doctors, administer care to patients facing severe health conditions. Notably, individuals in the ICU require continuous monitoring and care, with some necessitating interventions like oxygen support.

Patients in the ICU may encounter critical situations, such as infections, which could escalate their condition, leading to the need for treatments like intravenous antibiotics or surgical procedures. Following the intensive care provided in the ICU, patients undergo recovery and are eventually discharged to the general hospital.

The distinctive feature of an ICU lies in its focus on providing specialized and constant care to critically ill patients, facilitating a quicker and more effective recovery process. What sets ICUs apart across various hospitals is their specialization in treating specific conditions or diseases, ensuring that each ICU unit is tailored to address the unique needs of its patients.

ICU Full Form: Intensive Care Unit

ICU Full Form || ICU and the healthcare system

ICUs pose significant challenges to the healthcare system, contributing to obstacles in delivering high-quality medical services. One major issue stems from the limitations in comprehensive health insurance policies, resulting in inadequate coverage for many of the services offered by ICU facilities. The medical treatments administered in ICUs are often expensive, and an additional premium is incurred for prolonged stays exceeding a day.

These specialized units play a crucial role in providing top-tier care to patients in critical need, involving the management of costly medications and specialized procedures by ICU medical professionals. However, ICU units face budgetary setbacks due to the escalating number of medical patients and the increasing costs associated with their treatment. This has emerged as a substantial challenge within the realm of ICU facilities, impacting their ability to cope with rising demands and expenses.

The full form of ICU || Importance

Uncommon accidents can occur that surpass the capabilities of regular hospitals, necessitating the intervention of specialized units like Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Additionally, ICUs may serve as recovery centers post-surgery. Take, for instance, cardiac procedures, where the typical duration of ICU stay ranges from 2 to 8 days.

ICUs play a vital role in delivering continuous monitoring and specialized care for patients facing critical conditions. This encompasses a spectrum of health challenges, including infections, heart disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, pneumonia, blood clots, drug overdoses, blood loss, shock, diabetes, and dehydration. These units serve as crucial hubs for managing a diverse range of medical emergencies, ensuring constant attention and specialized care for patients in need.

  • When is an ICU very important or in need? 1- When somebody is critical
  • When somebody is in the hospital or serious condition
  • When someone is sick

Where’s the closest ICU to you? Just imagine what could happen if the wrong antibiotics are given to the wrong patient. That’s the thing about antibiotics.

ICU full form in medical || Key features of an ICU

The ICU stands as the exclusive domain where diverse hospital specialties collaborate to deliver cutting-edge services. Specifically crafted to ensure patient safety, the ICU provides a secure environment, ranging from single-bed setups to facilities with up to 100 beds, offering a spectrum of patient care services. The team of specialized physicians, nurses, and support staff undergo rigorous training to deliver optimal care to patients.

With state-of-the-art equipment, the ICU is well-prepared to handle high-risk patients, providing the best available resources for their care. In regions such as Indiana, it stands out as the premier physical therapy clinic. In the context of Coronary Care, physicians primarily aim to admit patients to the hospital, fostering a healing environment for comprehensive care.

ICU ka full form || What does ICU stand for?

Intensive care involves the implementation of medical procedures and medications aimed at preventing brain damage and specific infections. Typically, a specialized tube is inserted into the patient’s airway to facilitate breathing, effectively draining excess carbon dioxide from the bloodstream and enabling proper respiration.

In addition to airway management, temporary tubes are utilized to extract excess fluid from the lungs. In cases where patients do not respond to treatments or encounter medical complications, doctors may need to replace these tubes. ICU units, commonly situated in hospitals, cater to patients recovering from surgery who require vigilant care but are not slated for overnight stays.

Why are ICUs necessary? || ICU Full Form

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) provides an exceptional standard of care, particularly for patients grappling with severe injuries or illnesses within the hospital. Given the critical nature of their conditions, these patients require continuous care and vigilant monitoring. The ICU operates with a dedicated team of specialist doctors and nurses who collaborate to deliver comprehensive care simultaneously.

Noteworthy for its specialization, the ICU is regarded as one of the most critical areas within the hospital. Stringent protocols are adhered to, necessitating regular patient status checks every four hours to ensure optimal care. The ICU encompasses various specialized units tailored to different medical needs.

ICU and its patients || full form of ICU

These services aim for a patient’s release from the ICU typically within 6-8 weeks, anticipating a significantly improved condition compared to their initial admission. The ICU comprises diverse staff from various departments, including emergency, critical care, surgical care, ICU anesthesia, and medical personnel. Each team member contributes uniquely to the hospital’s functioning, often with roles that may not be immediately apparent.

Within the medical staff, doctors play a pivotal role in treating patients facing critical illnesses. Their responsibility lies in ensuring the survival of patients diagnosed with severe conditions and monitoring their response to medications. The focus is on guiding patients towards recovery and improved health outcomes.

ICU Full Form || Conclusion

ICUs manifest in diverse configurations, particularly within the emergency department, encompassing both acute and long-term care. The Critical Care Unit (CCU) stands as a distinct hospital division dedicated to the treatment of individuals grappling with life-threatening diseases. The emergency department offers essential life-saving interventions, including medications, advanced medical equipment, and specialized clinicians adept at addressing severe, life-threatening injuries and illnesses.

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