The surgical procedure for removal of the uterus is known as hysterectomy. Hysterectomy can be either complete or partial. In case of complete hysterectomy, the cervix is removed along with the uterus, while in the partial hysterectomy, the uterine body is removed leaving behind the cervix. In some cases, the fallopian tubes and ovaries are also removed.
Hysterectomy surgery in Bangalore has its own benefits and risks. It has the potential of affecting the hormonal balance of the body. Because of this, it is considered only when there are no other options left.
Being a major surgical procedure, it is crucial to undergo hysterectomy in Bangalore in a good hospital and in the hands of an experienced and trusted gynecologist.
Types of hysterectomy
On the basis of organs and accessory parts removed, hysterectomy can be categorized as follows.
- Subtotal Hysterectomy: In this procedure, the upper part of the uterus is removed and the cervix is left intact.
- Total Hysterectomy: Here, the entire uterus and cervix is removed.
- Radical Hysterectomy: In a radical hysterectomy the uterus is removed along with the tissues aside from the uterus, the cervix, and the top portion of the vagina. Radical hysterectomy is considered in case of the presence of cancerous tissues.
What is the purpose of hysterectomy?
There are a number of reasons for undergoing hysterectomy in Bangalore . Some of the common ones are listed below.
- Fibroids in the uterus that cause bleeding, pain and other side effects.
- Sliding of the uterus downward towards the vagina from its normal position. The medical term for this is uterine prolapse.
- Cancer of ovaries, uterus or cervix.
- Intense and chronic pelvic pain.
- Frequent and abnormal bleeding from the vagina.
It should be noted here that hysterectomy in noncancerous conditions is considered only when other treatment options have been unsuccessful. In other words, it is considered a viable option in noncancerous cases when no other alternatives are available.
Advantages of hysterectomy in Bangalore
There can be numerous benefits of getting a hysterectomy in Bangalore done at a top-notch hospital and under the guidance of an accomplished gynecologist. If there are any leggings in the procedure, it will have long term side effects, including some irreparable damage.
The benefits of undergoing hysterectomy in Bangalore at a premier hospital has both physiological and psychological benefits. Some of these are mentioned below.
- Hysterectomy puts a stop on issues of abnormal uterine bleeding.
- It also puts an end to the chronic and intense pain caused by uterine bleeding.
- It can prove to be a lifesaver for women as it highly prevents uterine cancer in women who have a family history of cancerous diseases.
- Hysterectomy offers immense relief to women suffering from uterine fibroids, urinary problems, cramps etc.
What are some possible complications of a hysterectomy?
In some rare cases, some problems and complications surface after a woman undergoes a hysterectomy in Bangalore . Some common complications of a hysterectomy include the following issues.
- Surgical bleeding
- Infection
- Pain and discomfort
There is a greater risk of post-surgery infection and pain in an abdominal hysterectomy as compared to a vaginal hysterectomy.
However, one can avoid such issues by ensuring that they have the best team of doctors and the best hospital available. This can be done by good research, references and analysis of reviews.
What happens before a hysterectomy is performed?
Before commencing with the procedure, the patient is evaluated by the gynaecologist. This is done to make sure that the patient is physically fit to undergo the surgery. This mostly involves questions about medical history and whether the person is facing any physical ailment at the time. Afterwards, a pelvic examination and pap smear may be done.
The patient might need to get tests like cervical cytology, pelvic ultrasound, or endometrial biopsy done to rule out the presence of cancerous cells and tissues.
Procedure of Hysterectomy
After making sure that the patient is fit to undergo hysterectomy, the surgery is performed. Top notch and prime institutes are equipped to perform a laparoscopic hysterectomy. There are two procedures for hysterectomy under this.
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy- an incision with a laparoscope and a vaginal incision is involved, along with excision of cervical tissues.
- Total laparoscopic hysterectomy- The whole procedure is done using a laparoscope. Afterward surgical specimens are removed via the vagina.
In these advanced procedures, a very low bikini incision is made with a laparoscope, there is no scarring or pain and there is a faster recovery. Therefore, it becomes important for the patient herself to pick the best available hospital for this procedure.
Recovery after hysterectomy
Some instructions given by doctors post-operations are listed below.
- Ample rest: It is important to give the body the time to heal, so a good 8-hour sleep is necessary.
- Healthy diet: Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten. Whole grains and proteins should be made a regular part of the diet too. High fiber foods should be eaten because constipation becomes a common problem after hysterectomy.
- Steer clear of smoking: Smoking hinders the body’s healing process, so it should be avoided in the recovery period.
- Regular checkups: It is good to go for regular checkups as it will help the gynecologist to diagnose if there are any issues in the recovery. So routine checkups should never be avoided.