How To Enhance Cognitive Health As We Age

As we get older, it’s natural for our minds to become less sharp. Eventually, we require assistance and may need to live in an assisted living facility. But there are many ways that we can alter our routines and habits to keep our minds strong and active. 

Some of the best methods to keep our brains in excellent health are outlined below. 

Eat Nutritious Foods

The NIH reports that eating healthy foods as we get older can prevent us from having heart problems, diabetes, lung problems, and even declines in cognitive function. 

There is a consensus that a healthy diet features several servings of fruit and vegetables per day, whole grains, lean protein, nuts, eggs, yogurt, milk, and unsaturated oils. 

Scientists continue to explore whether eating nutritious foods in our 50s, 60s, and beyond can maintain brain function and even lower the chances of getting dementia. 

However, there is evidence that the typical diet in the US and other Western nations may be bad for our hearts and lead to cognitive decline. 

Our diets tend to focus on processed meats, fried foods, and highly processed foods. This eating pattern seems to increase the risk of memory problems, but we don’t know why.

Avoid Sugar

Americans consume too much processed sugar, and this problem could lead to impaired brain function with age. 

Overeating sugar causes your blood glucose to spike, which damages the blood vessels. Evidence suggests that damaged blood vessels can lead to cognitive issues. 

If you have a sweet tooth, it’s better to munch on an apple or orange. Doing so will give you your sweet fix as well as provide you with fiber and antioxidants. 

Use Your Mind

Studies suggest that keeping mentally active as we age improves brain function in our older years. In addition, scientists believe that continuing to get an education, reading, and engaging in other brain-focused exercises challenges the brain and engages mechanisms that keep your brain cells in top health. 

What can you do to keep that brain in high gear? If you’ve thought about taking classes at a local college about history, give it a shot! How about learning French? Or, did you always want to get into stamp collecting but never found the time? No time like the present! 

Other ideas include doing puzzles, crossword puzzles, and volunteering in new activities.


Once the kids leave home and have their own lives, we often reduce our interactions with others. Of course, some of this is perfectly fine, but staying socially engaged and having fascinating conversations with others will keep your brain active, which is essential to ward off cognitive decline. 

If you have drifted away from friends over time, try websites such as to find groups with common interests. 

Stay Active

When you ask most doctors about keeping older adults physically and mentally fit, many will answer ‘regular exercise’ more than anything. 

The Mayo Clinic reports that daily physical exercise keeps our brains healthy. In addition, many clinical studies have shown a link between physical activity and less cognitive decline. 

Experts think this connection could be from oxygen-rich blood surging into the brain when you’re on the move. 

If you want to exercise to keep your brain in gear, try to exercise at least 3-4 times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Swimming, walking, jogging, and tennis are great activities to try. And maybe you can combine your exercise with a friend and have a stimulating conversation along the way.


Sleep is essential to maintain your brain function as you age. Experts think sleep helps the brain eliminate toxins that may build up and cause issues if they aren’t removed daily. 

Naturally, some older people struggle to get a good night’s rest. That’s why it’s essential to maintain a regular sleep schedule and routine to ensure that you can get a good seven or eight hours of shuteye per night. 

For example, you should avoid things that interfere with sleep, such as having coffee after 6 pm or exercising in the evening. Also, avoid napping during the day as much as you can. 

Many people worry about declining mentally with age. But we can add many simple things to our daily routine that can keep us fit – both mentally and physically.


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