GDS Full Form: In India, the Term GDS is used many times so, many times we face this Word. Mostly Students who prepare for Competitive Examination face the GDS term daily.

So, let us know the GDS Full Form and the Full Form is “Gramin Dak Sevak“. So, Now is the time to learn all the information about GDS.

GDS Full Form

Also, there are many questions related to GDS. What is GDS? , Types Of GDS? How to be a GDS? What is the salary of a GDS?. Also, GDS is an acronym so, it has many full forms lets learn all about GDS.

What is GDS? GDS Full Form

GDS stands for Gramin Dak Sevak, which is a position within the Department of Posts, a central government agency in India.

It is a crucial role within the Indian postal service, serving as a vital link in the communication chain. GDS plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success and efficiency of postal services, thereby facilitating effective communication across the country.

GDS Full Form

Also, We know the GDS Full Form is “Gramin Dak Sevak” and there are GDS is One Service Post. So, there are GDS is divided into two types.

Now we listed All GDS Full Form in the below table after that we put the GDS Posts Details.

ALL GDS Full Forms

GDS Full Form
Hindi Meaning
Gramin Dak Sevak
ग्रामीण डाक सेवक
Global Distribution System
वैश्विक वितरण प्रणाली
Giornale di Sicilia
जिओर्नेल डि सिसिलिया
Government Digital Service
सरकारी डिजिटल सेवा
Google Desktop Search
Google डेस्कटॉप खोज
Godaddy Domain Service
गोडैडी डोमेन सेवा
Geriatric Depression Scale
जराचिकित्सा अवसाद स्केल
Gross Debt Service
सकल ऋण सेवा
Gender and Development Studies
लिंग और विकास अध्ययन
Grey Dog Software
ग्रे डॉग सॉफ्टवेयर
Global Data Synchronization
ग्लोबल डेटा सिंक्रोनाइज़ेशन
Gigabit Distribution Switch
गिगाबिट वितरण स्विच
Global Delivery Service
वैश्विक वितरण सेवा
Grid Data Service
ग्रिड डेटा सेवा
Global Directory Agent Server
वैश्विक निर्देशिका एजेंट सर्वर
Graduate Destination Survey
स्नातक गंतव्य सर्वेक्षण
Graphic Data System
ग्राफिक डाटा सिस्टम
Global Deterioration Scale
वैश्विक गिरावट स्के
Georgetown Day School
जॉर्ज टाउन डे स्कूल
Ground Data System
ग्राउंड डेटा सिस्टम
General Depreciation System
सामान्य मूल्यह्रास प्रणाली
General Data Stream
सामान्य डेटा स्ट्रीम
Glow Discharge Spectrometry
ग्लो डिस्चार्ज स्पेक्ट्रोमेट्री
Global Directory Service
वैश्विक निर्देशिका सेवा
Global Data Systems
ग्लोबल डेटा सिस्टम
Civic Democratic Party
सिविक डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी
General Directorate of Security
सामान्य सुरक्षा निदेशालय
Generic Data Structure
सामान्य डेटा संरचना
Gordon Diagnostic System
गॉर्डन डायग्नोस्टिक सिस्टम
Gilgen Door Systems
गिलजेन डोर सिस्टम
Global Data Service
वैश्विक डेटा सेवा
Generalized Data Stream
सामान्यीकृत डेटा स्ट्रीम
Google Dance Syndrome
Google नृत्य सिंड्रोम
Global Dialling Scheme
ग्लोबल डायलिंग योजना
Good Day Sunshine
आपका दिन मंगलमय हो
General Distribution Services
सामान्य वितरण सेवाएँ
Graphic Display System
ग्राफिक डिस्प्ले सिस्टम
Global Document Solution
वैश्विक दस्तावेज़ समाधान
Gaelic Digital Service
गेलिक डिजिटल सेवा
Gunshot Detection System
गनशॉट डिटेक्शन सिस्टम
Graphic Display Streamer
ग्राफिक डिस्प्ले स्ट्रीमर
Geographic Display System
भौगोलिक प्रदर्शन प्रणाली
Gunfire Detection System
गनफायर डिटेक्शन सिस्टम
GeoMet Data Services
जियोमेट डेटा सर्विसेज
Global Diagnostics System
ग्लोबल डायग्नोस्टिक्स सिस्टम
General Declassification Schedule
सामान्य डिक्लासिफिकेशन शेड्यूल
Global Depository Share
ग्लोबल डिपॉजिटरी शेयर
General Design Specification
सामान्य डिजाइन विशिष्टता
Georgia Dental Society
जॉर्जिया डेंटल सोसायटी
Group Desk Suite
ग्रुप डेस्क सूट
Gaming Device Standard
गेमिंग डिवाइस स्टैंडर्ड
Gateway Digital Switch
गेटवे डिजिटल स्विच
Geometry Definition System
ज्यामिति परिभाषा प्रणाली
Global Dictionary Service
वैश्विक शब्दकोश सेवा
Generic Dispatch System
जेनेरिक डिस्पैच सिस्टम
Georgia Daffodil Society
जॉर्जिया डैफोडिल सोसायटी
Grammar-Directed Search
व्याकरण-निर्देशित खोज
Game Difficulty Setting
खेल मुश्किल सेटिंग
Gridlock Data System
ग्रिडलॉक डेटा सिस्टम
Gun Display System
गन डिस्प्ले सिस्टम
Gun Direction System
गन डायरेक्शन सिस्टम

GDS Full Form in Hindi

देखिए दोस्तों अभी हम बात करेंगे की GDS Full Form क्या है और मैं आपको एक बात बतांदु की हिंदी मैं Full Form नहीं होता सिर्फ होता है मतलब तो दोस्तों अभी हम GDS का Full Form इंग्लिश मैं जानलेते हैं उसके बाद इसका मतलब जानेंगे

तो दोस्तों अभी GDS का Full Form है Gramin Dak Sevak इसका मतलब है जो आपके पोस्ट ऑफिस एक नौकरी का फुल फॉर्म है और दोस्तों यह GDS को भी दो हिस्सों मैं बनता गया है जैसे की BPM और ABPM

तो अभी दोस्तों अगर आप इंग्लिश समझते हैं तो ऊपर BPM और ABPM के बारे मैं सब कुछ दिया गया है आप पढ़ सकते हो अगर आप इंग्लिश नहीं पढ़ सकते तो निचे कमेंट कीजिए हम आपके लिए हिंदी मैं भी लिखेंगे

दोस्तों अभी आपको बतांदु की GDS का बहुत सारे फुल फॉर्म है अगर आप सब कुछ सीखना चाहते हो तो निचे पढ़े अभी बहुत सारे GDS Full Form निचे दिया गया है

Types of JOBs In GDS?

There are GDS is divided into two types it means the GDS post is Divided into two service posts they are listed below.

  • BPM
  • ABPM

As we know the GDS is Divided into BPM and ABPM posts. So, now the time to learn more about the BPM and ABPM.

BPM Full Form and JOB Details

After knowing the GDS Full Form now is the time To learn BPM Full Form. So, The BPM Full Form is “Branch Post Master”.

Now time to learn the BPM Job details that what is the work on this job what salary you can get form this post.

  • BPM – Branch Post Master
  • Every Village has a Post of Office that Post Office is also, known as the GDS means Gramin Dak Seva.
  • The BPM post is the main post in the Post office we can call the post as administer of the Office.
  • If two or more villages in a post office then BPM has to hire people for several posts like lead the MD, MC, and Packers to manage the Post office.
  • The main motive of the BPM is to create more Postal accounts of new people in their branch.
  • Also, BPM has to manage the BOOK register of Posts, Speed Posts, Money Orders and Parcels.
  • For these types of work, we can say BPM is the head of the Post Office.

ABPM Full Form and Job Details

The Second Job post under GDS is ABPM and the ABPM Full Final Point:Form is “Assistant Branch Post Master”

Now let’s learn the full details of the ABPM post and what work is to be done in the ABPM post.

  • ABPM – Assistant Branch Post Master
  • As you know every Village has Post Office and also, Every Post Office has two to more villages.
  • As it is Every Post Office has One BPM and one ABPM and the ABPM Full Form is Assistant Branch Post Master.
  • After the BPM the ABPM is office head incase BPM is absent so, ABPM has to solve all duty of BPM.
  • Naturally, the duty and Work of ABPM are Listed below.
  • Assistant Branch Post Master is mainly sales all the Post related products in post offices like Stamps, Postcards, and other Stationery.
  • Assistant Branch Post Master has to mention all payment transactions in the post office.
  • Also, Assistant Branch Post Master has to take over the Parcel delivery sections.
  • Lastly, the Assistant Branch Post Master is the second head of the Post Office and In this post, you have to all main works of Post Office.

GDS Full Form in the post office

As we know the GDS is mainly used in the Post Office. So, the GDS Full Form is Gramin Dak Sevak.

Also, we Use GDS as an Acronym so, it has many Full forms you can check above. if you any or doubt related the GDS Full then Comment below.

GDS Salary details – GDS Full Form

After knowing the GDS Full Form and all details about BPM and ABPM now is the time to learn about the Salary of GDS. As we know the GDS is divided into two types. So, let’s learn the Salary of Each Post individually.

BPM Salary

There are two-phase of the Salary system for both GDS posts so, that are listed below.

  • TRCA/ Level 1 is paid for Rs. 12000/- to 29,380/-
  • TRCA/ Level 2 is paid for Rs. 14000/- to 35600/-

ABPM Salary

Above you know the BPM salary now the ABPM salary is Listed below.

  • TRCA/ Level 1 is paid for Rs. 10000/- to 25,380/-
  • TRCA/ Level 2 is paid for Rs. 12000/- to 29560/-

Final Point:

Dear friends,

GDS Full Form : When it comes to the post office, one of the common abbreviations you’ll often encounter is GDS, which stands for “Gramin Dak Sevak.” If you’re interested in learning more acronyms related to GDS, you can refer to the table provided above.

If you happen to notice any errors in the post, we kindly ask for your feedback so we can rectify them promptly.

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Thank you for visiting us and for staying connected. Keep checking back to discover more A to Z acronyms and their full forms.

Warm regards, [Your Name/Organization]

See also : What Is an SMS Short Message Service || SMS Full Form

By james

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