DSP Full Form: What Does DSP Stand For?

Deputy superintendent of police (DSP Full Form) is a rank used by several police forces in the Commonwealth and formerly in the British Empire. The rank is usually above assistant superintendent and below superintendent. The full form of dsp is DSP (Deputy Superintendent of Police). In the Indian Police Service, these ranks are not gazetted. The following are the ranks of DSP in the Indian Police Service.

Police department abbreviations have been around for decades. Here’s a brief history of the most commonly used police department acronyms you need to know about. The full form of DSP in Police is Deputy Superintendent of Police. Deputy Superintendent of Police is the highest rank in the Indian Police Service. In India, this title is given to the person who is in charge of a police district.

DSP Full Form

DSP Full Form || What is the meaning of DSP?

The abbreviation DSP refers to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police, denoting the hierarchical position within the police force. This title does not define specific job responsibilities but signifies a level of authority within the hierarchy.

A Deputy Superintendent of Police is typically called upon to take charge and provide direction in situations requiring leadership. In operational scenarios, field officers report to the Deputy Superintendent of Police, who in turn reports to higher authorities such as the Home Minister, Union Minister of State (Home), and Maharashtra Minister of State (Home). The DSP rank is considered junior and serves as an entry point into the police force.

DSP Full Form in Police || What is the difference between DSP and ASP

DSP in the police force stands for Deputy Superintendent of Police, while IPS is a position that serves part-time duties. IPS is typically designated for individuals who have not been selected for promotion to assistant superintendent. It is a civilian position, and those holding this rank are referred to as ‘Deputy Superintendents of Police.’ Within the IAS, IPS, and Assam Police, it holds the same status as a senior superintendent of police. However, in the Punjab Police, this rank carries more significance compared to the officer bearing the title ‘Deputy

Superintendent of Police.’ Moreover, the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police outranks the same title in the Chandigarh Police, Delhi Police, Uttar Pradesh Police, and Karnataka Police. In Maharashtra Police and Tamil Nadu Police, the equivalent of DSP is ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police).

DSP ka Full Form || What are the ranks of DSP Full Form

The Indian Police Service (IPS) comprises officers recruited as police officers. Recruitment to the IPS is currently conducted through the UPSC. As of 2018, there are 3850 IPS posts available, with only 2000 filled. Subsequent recruitment to the IPS is anticipated in 2019, with 350 posts expected to become vacant this year. IPS officers hold responsibility for policing in states, Union territories, and six provinces. In terms of rank hierarchy, the

DSP position is superior to that of the Sub-Inspector and plays a vital role in safeguarding the country.


DSP Full Form is a marked disparity in pay between the ranks of assistant superintendent of police (ASP) and deputy superintendent of police (DSP). urstoryiq.com The term “senior” is used. However, the salary gap is reduced to something close to the minimum salary for a senior officer (as per current legislation).

Hence, we have done this post to describe the pay scales applicable for different ranks of police officers and compare them with other occupations in the country. Note: All the numbers in this post were taken from PayScale and  and cross-referenced with the respective pay scales of both ASP and DSP Full Form. We have done all this purely for academic purposes

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By james

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