The CPO Full Form is “Corporate Planning Office”, “Chief Planning Officer”, “Charge Point Operator” and “Crime Prevention Officer”.

Mainly CPO stands for “Charge Pump Output”,

“Civilian Personnel Online”, and “Central Payments Office”. Now we listed some CPO Full Form in Hindi on the below table.

CPO Full Form

CPO Full Form in Hindi Meaning

Corporate Planning Office
कॉर्पोरेट योजना कार्यालय
Chief Planning Officer
मुख्य योजना अधिकारी
Charge Point Operator
चार्ज प्वाइंट ऑपरेटर
Crime Prevention Officer
अपराध निरोधक अधिकारी
Charge Pump Output
चार्ज पंप आउटपुट
Civilian Personnel Online
नागरिक कार्मिक ऑनलाइन
Central Payments Office
केंद्रीय भुगतान कार्यालय
Chief Petty Officer
मुख्य नाविक अधिकारी
Certified Pre-Owned
पहले से प्रमाणित व पूर्ण स्वामित्व वाला
Compulsory Purchase Order
अनिवार्य खरीद आदेश
Certified Pool Operator
प्रमाणित पूल संचालक
City Police Officer
शहर के पुलिस अधिकारी
Computer Printout
कंप्यूटर प्रिंटआउट
Chief People Office
मुख्य लोग कार्यालय
Coproporphyrinogen Oxidase
कोप्रोपोरफेरिनोजेन ऑक्सीडेज
Computer Peripherals Operation
कंप्यूटर परिधीय ऑपरेशन
Care Plan Oversight
केयर प्लान ओवरसाइट
Complete Partial Order
पूर्ण आंशिक आदेश
Catalytic Partial Oxidation
कैटेलिटिक आंशिक ऑक्सीकरण
Customer Payment Order
ग्राहक भुगतान आदेश

In the above table, we know about many full forms in Hindi meaning. now we discuss some questions asked on the internet.

Q-1: What does CPO stand for?

CPO can have various meanings, including “Chief People Officer,” “Corporate Planning Office,” “Chief Planning Officer,” “Charge Point Operator,” and “Crime Prevention Officer.” It is essential to consider the context in which the term is used to determine its specific meaning.

Q-2: What is the CPO Full Form in Hindi?

The CPO Full Form in Hindi is “Customer Payment Order,” which translates to “ग्राहक भुगतान आदेश.”

Q-3: What is CPO?

CPO stands for “Chief People Officer,” which typically refers to a senior executive responsible for overseeing an organization’s human resources and personnel management.

Q-4: What is the Full Form of CPO?

The Full Form of CPO can vary depending on the context and industry. It may stand for “Corporate Planning Office,” “Chief Planning Officer,” “Charge Point Operator,” or “Crime Prevention Officer.”


In summary, CPO Full Form has multiple meanings, and its full form depends on the specific domain or industry in which it is used. The common interpretations include “Chief People Officer,” “Customer Payment Order,” “Corporate Planning Office,” “Chief Planning Officer,” “Charge Point Operator,” and “Crime Prevention Officer.”

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By james

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