Scarlett Johansson : has teamed up with British director Jonathan Glazer again after the 2013 science fiction film ‘Under the Skin.’ The duo has joined hands...
An American action-comedy television series, FUBAR, is all set to receive its second season. In June 2023 Netflix’s TUDUM festival, the American series was renewed for...
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody’s actor Cole Sprouse shared an interesting incident when he and his brother Dylan and Cole Sprouse Sprouse blew off Oppenheimer...
Contrasting with Mother’s Day 2024, Netflix is set to release its original film, Mother of The Bride, on May 9, 2024. Starring Brooke Shields and Miranda...
One of the streaming giant’s major hits, The Sandman Season 2, commenced its production last year. With eager anticipation, fans are head over heels to know...
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna ILayhi Rajioon In Hindi :- दोस्तों आपने कभी ना कभी मुसलमान समाज के लोगों को ” Inna Lillahi Wa Inna ILayhi Rajioon ”...