Directed by Mark Water, La Dolce Villa is a forthcoming project of Netflix; the director is known to deliver some acclaimed projects including Mean Girls, Vampire...
Five years have passed since we saw Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. People thought the Oscar winner’s journey as Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, ended...
Fans of Queen of Tears : will be delighted to know that the superhit K-drama will treat them with a special two-part episode. It stars Kim...
10 Boxers Choosing the best boxer ever in the game is a matter of personal preference, and some factors have been measured. Nevertheless, when it comes...
Jessica Alba is stepping down from her role as the chief creative officer of The Honest Company. The “Dark Angel” actress shared the news with fans...
The CinemaCon event held on Tuesday Beetlejuice Beetlejuice evening definitely captured a lot of emotions. The audience present at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas did not...