Konosuba: God’s Blessing In This Wonderful World, simply referred to as Konosuba, is a Japanese novel penned by Natsume Akatsuki and illustrated by Kurone Mishima. An...
Celebrities Over the last few years, people have become more familiar and open-minded when it comes to transgender people. Earlier, the issues faced by transgender people...
Mickey 17 : The director of Parasite, one of the highest-grossing films in South Korea, surprised the audience at CinemaCon in Las Vegas. Bong Joon-Ho shared...
As the Crow Flies, one of Netflix’s popular Turkish dramas follows the story of Asli Tuna, an ardent enthusiast of the news anchor, Lale Kiran. Debuted...
The two-time Academy Franklin Award-winning American actor and film producer Michael Douglas will return for fans very soon. His upcoming project, Franklin, will be a biographical...
Mia Goth : A24 has finally dropped the trailer for its highly anticipated slasher-horror film. MaXXXine is the last part of the renowned X trilogy, following...