Avoid These 5 Mistakes While Buying Car Insurance

When compared to a decade ago, the process of purchasing/renewing a car policy is much faster, easier, and simpler nowadays. Excessive form-filling and document submission have given way to simple purchasing journeys and immediate policy issuance.

However, there are some red signs that you should be aware of in order to get the most out of your insurance shopping experience. Some blunders can be damaging to your goal of finding affordable vehicle insurance when you buy car insurance online. So how do you make sure you avoid mistakes when buying car insurance? We’ll tell you in this helpful guide on avoiding common mistakes while purchasing car insurance online or offline.

Avoiding Mistakes When Purchasing or Renewing Auto Insurance:

1) Avoiding Fundamental Research:

Purchasing an insurance policy is identical to purchasing any other online goods or service. When trying to buy something online, you must conduct some basic research. Will you consider purchasing a mobile phone from an unknown website or from a reputable e-commerce site? Isn’t it true that trust is essential?

When purchasing or renewing auto insurance from an online insurer, you can check to see if the insurer is a certified business. Check the insurer’s social media profiles for authenticity, to learn about the brand’s culture, and to read client reviews. Do not rush into purchasing or renewing auto insurance. Say no to impulse purchases and yes to fundamental research when purchasing or renewing vehicle insurance online.

2) No Comparing Policies:

A healthy life philosophy is to avoid comparing yourself to others. When it comes to vehicle insurance policies, however, failing to compare policy prices and inclusions can result in inadequate insurance coverage. It is recommended that you compare insurance to ensure that you are getting a good rate on the car insurance app. You must, however, be analytical while doing so. Just because a Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy is affordable doesn’t mean you should take it. You should also look at the corresponding cover.

3) Choosing Minimalistic Coverage:

The objective of insurance is to provide financial support in the event of an unexpected incident. When it comes to auto insurance, there is also the necessity to comply with the legislation of the land. You must cover your four-wheeler with at least a Third-party Liability Policy if you possess one (TLP). This plan provides basic coverage and is hence less expensive than the Comprehensive Plan.

Choosing TLP for basic coverage can help you fulfil legal requirements but not insurance needs. Such a policy does not include Own Damage coverage. It will aid you if you damage someone else’s car but will not assist you if your car is harmed. A Comprehensive Plan, which is more expensive than the TLP, is required for this. But isn’t that the point of having insurance? Financial assistance if your automobile is damaged? Consider your options. *

4) Resisting the Online World:

For some people, change is tough. However, not evolving and becoming dogmatic might be detrimental. When compared to offline plans, online policies are regarded to be more economical and convenient to purchase. The internet purchasing infrastructure provides numerous benefits. The most notable ones are anytime purchase, anywhere purchasing, and no paperwork.

5) Ignoring Anti-theft Devices:

Car theft is a catastrophe. Nobody expects their car to be stolen, especially if they always park it in a safe location. Things can, however, go awry. However, by installing an anti-theft device (ATD) in your vehicle, you are making the thief’s job more difficult and increasing the likelihood of not losing your prized possession to theft. ATDs also aid in the reduction of car policy insurance premiums.

* Standard T&C Apply

** Currently, there are 2 tax regimes in India – new and old. To get the tax benefit you desire, choose the correct one after consulting an expert. You can opt for a regime change during the next financial year.

# Visit the official website of IRDAI for further details.

## All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI-approved insurance plan. Standard T&C apply

Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.



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