Shaman King: Flowers, a Japanese manga series penned and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei, made its leap to the screen as an anime television adaptation. Premiering in...
The billion-dollar collection of 2019’s Mufasa The Lion King was a landmark success in Disney’s franchise. This year’s CinemaCon has been no less than a blast....
Moana 2: Just when we thought this year’s CinemaCon could not be any grander, The Rock appeared on stage. Dwayne Johnson provided a sneak peek into Disney’s...
Paramount Pictures announced last year at CinemaCon that it would cast Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, and Brian Tyree Henry in Transformers One. Notably, it is the...
Parasyte: The Grey, which made its debut on April 5, 2024, received immense appreciation from fans and critics. With an IMDb rating of 7.3/10 and 100%...
Silvana Prince, also known as Silvana Torres Prince, is a Mexican actress. She is known for being the mother of a prominent Mexican actor and singer,...