Your home’s windows contribute to your property’s curb appeal, impact your overall comfort throughout the day, and can even affect your home’s value should you ever choose to sell it.
However, it’s worth noting that not all windows are created equal. Many homeowners don’t realize that upgrading to new vinyl or aluminum windows can offer a range of benefits in addition to improved aesthetics.
If your home’s windows are fairly old, the following are just a few noteworthy reasons it may be a wise idea to replace them:
Saving Money
Although there are many good reasons to swap out old windows for new ones, you might also have a list of reasons for putting this home improvement job off for the time being. Saving money may be among them. Perhaps you feel you simply can’t justify the cost of installing new windows right now.
This is understandable. That said, you should be aware that upgrading your windows now can actually save you even more money in the long run.
Many older windows aren’t as energy-efficient as new windows. They fail to insulate your home properly, forcing you to rely on your heating and cooling equipment to an excessive degree.
This results in high energy bills and puts unnecessary strain on your system. This will cause your heating and cooling equipment to start breaking down earlier than expected. The result? Unwanted repair bills. Luckily, installing new windows is an easy way to avoid these expenses.
Be aware that windows that insulate your home more effectively also tend to boost your comfort. You’ll be less likely to find unexpected cold or hot spots in your home when your windows are helping maintain ideal temperatures.
Increasing Your Home’s Value
Replacing your home’s old windows with new ones can also boost your house’s value fairly substantially. According to one report, on average, when homeowners install new vinyl windows, they recoup approximately 72.3% of their investment.
Enhanced Security
This is a critical point that can be easy to overlook when considering whether you should install new windows. Many of today’s windows are more secure than older ones. This is due to improved locks, durability, and similar features. Thus, by saying goodbye to your old windows and making an upgrade, you’ll be taking a smart step to keep yourself and your loved ones safe at home.
Increased Productivity
Are you one of the many people who now work from home at least some of the time? If so, you should make home design choices that will have a positive impact on your efficiency and productivity.
Odds are good your new windows will be much cleaner and brighter than your old ones. As such, they’ll let in more natural light. Research shows that exposure to natural light in the workplace can boost productivity by reducing eye strain and other uncomfortable symptoms that could otherwise keep you distracted. Exposure to natural light has also been shown to improve the average person’s mood.
Reduced Maintenance
Installing new windows can also significantly reduce your home maintenance workload. That’s because, when compared to old wood frames, vinyl and aluminum window frames have relatively minimal upkeep needs. Install them now, and you’ll be able to spend more time actually enjoying your home instead of maintaining it.
Just make sure you hire trusted professionals to do the actual work. Window replacement requires care. This isn’t a DIY task. It is, however, a job worth scheduling sooner rather than later.