VPS hosting offers you the sweet spot between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. You get access to a customizable and isolated hosting environment at an affordable price. And, if you choose a reliable hosting provider in India, you can ensure that it is a secure hosting solution. Additionally, you are getting isolated virtual servers and the ability to tweak security with root access that makes it even more secure.
However, if you are still anxious over the security concerns with VPS hosting in India, there are ways to improve your website’s security. Take a look at these 3 simple tips:
Try Using Third-Party Security Applications
When you invest in a VPS hosting plan in India, you also get access to a bundle of third-party security applications from all over the world. They have their own special area of focus. So, while some offer efficient malware protection, others can help you protect against DDoS attacks. You can learn about these applications and find the ones which work best for your website’s needs.
Change Default Ports and Shut Unused Ports
Most websites usually have the default security configuration when they are set up. It makes it easy for hackers to carry out automated cyberattacks through bots. That is why you should change these default ports. It will hardly take a few minutes to do that with the help of a guide that you can find in no time.
Similarly, you may notice several unused, open ports in your network. Each of these ports is a possible pathway for another cyberattack. So, you should be careful and close any open ports that you are not using at any time.
Develop an Access Hierarchy
The reason why most users prefer VPS hosting is that the hosting companies allow them to customize anything on the server. You can delete, edit, or copy anything that you want at any time. However, this flexibility can also be a cause of concern, especially if you have several people working on the server and they don’t know what they’re dealing with. For instance, someone may accidentally delete a lot of important files on your server. It is also possible that your server will crash at some point because of this level of access.
That is why it is important to develop an access hierarchy. With VPS hosting, you get to create multiple user profiles and individually grant them access to do specific things. So, while your system admin can have complete access over the server, another employee like someone who designs your email newsletters may not get access to the HTML files of your website. With restricted access, you can ensure everyone works smoothly while preventing accidental disasters.
VPS hosting offers the benefits of dedicated hosting but on a smaller scale. So, you have your isolated virtual servers where you have complete freedom to do things as you want to. And, with these simple tips, you can ensure that your server is as secure as possible without compromising on performance and reliability.